Thursday, April 20, 2006


Well, well.. Finally I got a permanent position! My desire was to remain at CERN and still get a good position. I really like this region and the work done here, but it has turned out to be quite difficult. Since last summer, I've not had a steady income which is rather hard since the Geneva-area is among the most expensive on the planet! But finally my persistance paid off when I found a position that seemed really interesting. I applied and eventually got it. The position is with the University of Texas at Arlington, USA, to mainly work on the Panda project, which is one of the LHC grid projects for the ATLAS experiment. I will continue working with distributed computing which is a field that is urgently needed in high energy physics and is under heavy development. Hopefully, and if there is time for it, I will also do Supersymmetry research. In the meantime, Maria Lucia will get her Swiss work permit on May 1, to work with ethical education for children with the Arigatou Foundation in Geneva. We will both start working on the same day. Next up is a trip to the good old US of A to arrange the bureaucracy of the position.

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